SIA LOGO sia FUN PAGE Create, View and Answer Water/Snow
Ski/Board Classifieds Online FREE!
Your place on the WWW for Pre-Owned and Closeout Water and Snow Ski Equipment
You Plase On The Web For Pre-Owned and Closeout Water and Snow Ski Equipment

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Error says "required fields are missing" but all fields have entries, now what?
  2. My posting is active but why have I not received any responses?
  3. Chose my photos to upload on the form but it dies after a period, now what?
  4. Absolutely NOTHING happens upon submitting a CREATE POST form.
  5. Why are my pictures rotated on SIA but they look correct in my camera?
  6. I rotated and reloaded my pictures but they still appear sideways on the posting or edit page?
  7. How do I use the PROMO BOAT category?
  8. My posting is gone! What happened?
  9. How do I avoid deletion of posting(s) during Database Cleanup?
  10. How is the payment for an item handled?
  11. How can I tell if a SELLER / BUYER is on the level?
  12. I see postings that are in BOLD text. How do I do that?
  13. How does my organization become an SIA FRIEND?
  14. Who is SKI-IT-AGAIN.COM, LLC?
  15. I Lost An Email, Can I Get A Copy?
  1. Error says "required fields are missing" but all fields have entries, now what?
    For any FORM page like the CREATE POST form, this may occur when there is a site upgrade but the local machine has cached the old Data Validation Script and will not update automatically. What usually fixes this problem is a HARD REFRESH of the browser cache. Go to the subject form (i.e. CREATE POST, REVISE POST, etc.) but before filling it in, do the following: For Windows use CTRL+F5 and for Apple/Mac use CMD+R or CMD+SHIFT+R. NOTE: the "+" sign just means AND ... do not actually stroked the + sign. Performing these keystrokes simultaneously will force a hard refresh on those system. That will usually do the trick! See FAQ#3 also.

  2. My posting is active but why have I not received any responses?
    TEST YOUR POSTING. Locate your posting and respond to it yourself, to test if it is working. If you receive the email a few minutes later, everything is working correctly. Another recommendation, CHECK YOUR SPAM or JUNK MAILBOX. Sometimes mail servers categorize SKI-IT-AGAIN mail as SPAM. If this is happening, most SPAM settings allow you to add a domain or email to the ALLOW list.

  3. Chose my photos to upload on the form but it dies after a period, now what?
    This is usually due to the photo(s) being uploaded are too large AND/OR the server upload time limit was exceeded. There is a 32MB limit on your entire upload AND the server has a time limit to complete an upload (60-90sec usually). If either are exceeded, the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR will result. Try uploading the posting without any photos first. If successful, try uploading 1-2 of your photos via the REVISE AD feature. If successful load the others.

  4. Absolutely NOTHING happens upon submitting a CREATE POST form.
    Anti-advertising software like AD SUBTRACT is known to cause problems with form pages containing the word "ad". These software programs usually provide a means to temporarily disable the filtering so you can complete the posting. Once disabled, refresh the CREATE POST form (may lose your data so cut-n-paste your description to Notepad or the Clipboard) to reload the code the program filtered out. If that is not possible, try another PC in a different area.

  5. Why are my pictures rotated on SIA but they look correct in my camera?
    Most likely your digital camera's "auto-rotation" is ON which allows your camera to display the photo in an "up-right" orientation no matter which way the camera was held to take the photo. The SIA upload is of the raw photo which is not rotated. The SIA code now tries to auto-rotate the photo for you so long as it can read the auto-rotate setting in your photo file. If you do not have "auto-rotation" setting ON then YOU must rotate the raw image in a graphics program such as Microsoft PAINT before upload.

  6. I rotated and reloaded my pictures but they still appear sideways on the posting or edit page?
    This is because the filenames on the website are still the same (e.g. sia12345img2.jpg) and the machine has them in its cache. Therefore, on the page showing the incorrect orientation, apply the FAQ#1 solution and force a HARD REFRESH. This is accomplished for Windows by using the CTRL+F5 keys and on Mac by using CMD+R.

  7. How do I use the PROMO BOAT category?
    The PROMO BOAT category is an exclusive category for members of a National Promotional Boat Program.

    It is an option on the standard CREATE POSTING form, however, a special code is required at the bottom of the form since this is an exclusive category. The code can be obtained directly from SKI-IT-AGAIN, or another qualified Promo Boat Program Participant who already has a posting in PROMO BOAT category. This special access code will be changed periodically but existing posting owners will be notified.

    Most of the boat manufacturer's require Promo Boat owners to NOT post a price to protect their retailers. The CREATE POSTING form still gives you the option, but if you leave it blank, the ASKING PRICE will say "Contact Seller".

    You can transfer your posting to the PROMO BOAT category one of two ways. The easiest way: let SIA know you are part of a National Program and it will move your posting. The next option, is use the REVISE POSTING feature along with your normal posting credentials (email and password used to create the posting), and change the category yourself and enter the PROMO BOAT CODE at the bottom of the form.

    There is no change to the process to remove the posting. Simply use the REVISE POSTING feature with your posting credentials to mark your posting as SOLD or REMOVE. The idea is: SOLD means the SIA site helped sell the item. REMOVE means you sold it another way or just need to delete it.

    NADA ... ZIP ... ZERO ... IT'S FREE BABY!!! Just another way SIA is trying to serve the water ski community.

  8. My posting is gone! What happened?
    Three to four times per year, SIA removes postings that are older than 4 months. However, SIA sends out multiple emails as notification to the poster's email on record. The poster is given several opportunities to update their posting and/or send SIA an email asking the posting remain active. If you did not contact SIA or feel the deletion was in error, please contact SIA and it will be reinstated. Please include your name and item information.

  9. How do I avoid deletion of posting(s) during Database Cleanup?
    Go to the REVISE POST page then enter the email and password used to create the posting. Select . All your postings should now be listed.

    Select the "red" Posting ID at the left of the posting(s) you wish to keep active. When the posting details appear, scroll down and select . That is it!!

    Of course, you can make any changes to the details prior to selecting . Now return to the list and select another in the same fashion.

    This action updates the "Last Revised" date which will be checked during CLEANUP!

  10. How is the payment for an item handled?
    This is totally up to the SELLER and BUYER. However, typically the BUYER will pay for the item first and then the SELLER will ship it. The SAFEST is an online service such as PAYPAL, that offers some level of BUYER and SELLER protection. When using such a service, it is highly recommended the Buyer request the Seller send a money request or invoice. This gives the buyer proof there was a transaction involved. Only use "friend to friend" or "gift" if you are familiar with the person. If mailing payment, NEVER USE CASH. Use a nationally recognized money order (Postal Money Orders are the least expensive), cashier's check or a bank check. Just realize FAKE BANK CHECKS are quite common.

    There are also online escrow companies available (such as WWW.ESCROW.COM) who offer a third party money holding service. If you use such a place, make sure these are REAL escrow companies before sending them your money. Just GOOGLE "ESCROW SCAMS" for more detail. Usually ESCROW services are used $500 or more to make the fee worthwhile.

  11. How can I tell if a SELLER / BUYER is on the level?
    To be totally honest, YOU CAN'T! Most of the people using this site are above board! However, dishonest people are out there so do whatever is required to satisfy yourself the SELLER or BUYER is on the level. Click HERE for a writeup of suggestions but, again, BUYER/SELLER BEWARE so SATISFY YOURSELF!

  12. I see postings that are in BOLD text. How do I do that?
    Would you like your posting to STAND OUT IN THE LIST? Well SIA has adopted a new policy called BOLDing for DONATIONS!!. For those who donate to SIA in support of SKI CHARITIES and to help keep the site running, you will recieve BOLDING privileges for your email addy for that calendar year! And for those that donate $25 or more, you will not only get bolding, but special highlighting. Again, this is strictly for Donations and not related to the SIA STORE. Any donations over operating cost go to adaptive sports programs. And if you know of a disabled sports group that has skiing in its program, let SIA know, and it will consider making a donation to that charity as well. The BOLDING program is only for private (ie non-Dealer-Power-Users) posting 25 or less items.  NOTE: Donations made to SIA are NOT tax-deductible.

  13. How does my organization become an SIA FRIEND?
    It's easy! Just send SIA a note with your company, club, or organization graphic. All FRIEND graphics are to fit on a 100x45 dark blue (Color: #000066) background. Click HERE to download the blank graphic.

  14. Who is SKI-IT-AGAIN.COM, LLC?
    SIA was started by LarryG, a mechanical engineer currently managing software projects in St. Louis, Missouri whose #1 hobby is waterskiing and #2 hobby is websiting. To bad he is better at #2 than #1! He had a few things to sell himself and this project offered some unique challenges so SIA was born Oct 2000 and came to the web in Feb 2001. It never was intended to be a major money maker but SIA is now offering some unique items in its store as well as offering advertising to companies related to the sport. As of 25 Feb 2011, SIA is a registered Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the State Of Missouri managed by Lawrence L Greene, and pays MO Sales Tax for all merchandise sales made within the state.

  15. I Lost An Email, Can I Get A Copy?
    The SIA email log contains copies of all emails sent via the website email tools so any contacts made thru the website can be recovered. Just contact SIA providing some of the posting/email details and SIA will get back with you most likely in 24 hours, if not sooner. Just remember, once your local email program is used, SIA is out of the loop.

